A | Africans in America—Toussaint Louverture: “Although there is a large body of visual materials depicting the Haitian revolution, there are no existing portraits drawn from life of Toussaint Louverture, the hero of the revolution.” www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part3/3h326.html
AHAD: Trilingual Haitian magazine; www.ahad-kreyol.org/Newsletter/Number18/k_testimony.htm AlterPresse: Réseau alternatif haïtien d’information: www.comunica.org/medialternatif/alterpresse Association For Haitian-American Development: www.ahad-kreyol.org Association Zanmi Lotbodlo—les amis d’Haïti: www.chez.com/zanmi |
B | Beyond Borders: Promotes literacy, teacher training, education reform; www.beyondborders.net/
BiblioMonde: Vous y trouverez biblibliographie commentée des ouvrages actuellement disponibles sur Haïti www.bibliomonde.net/index.htm The Bob Corbett Forum (Haiti List): “Largest forum on Haiti for research and etc.—discussing all subjects in English” / Bob Corbett Library; Books on Haiti (English, Kreyòl, French), resource center; 1419 Tanm Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139 USA; bcorbett@netcom.com; www.webster.edu/~corbetre/index/index.htm Blondèl: Yon sit espesyal sou travay Blondèl nan penti, eskilti e fotografi / A special site devoted to the work of Blondèl in painting, sculpture and photography http://studioblondel.com Bon Nouvèl: “Publisher of books and documents in Kreyòl, distributor of Haitian books for bilingual and literacy programs; resource center, publisher of the monthly Kreyòl newspaper, Bon Nouvèl” 103, rue Pave; BP 1594, Port-au-Prince, Haïti (W.I.); Tel. 23 88 60; bonnouvel@mail.kanet.net Books on Haiti: www.franceantiq.fr/slam/hirlam |
C | Center for the Rural Development of Milot (CRUDEM): “Welcome to Crudem, a wonderful medical missionary hospital in Haiti. CRUDEM began in 1968 when the people of Milot went to the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and asked for help in improving conditions in their impoverished village. Brother Yves Beausejour, s.c., then age 34 with already ten years of service in Haiti, was sent as director along with two other brothers. They named the project CRUDEM—Center for the Rural Development of Milot.” www.icon-stl.net/~holc/index.htm
Centre International de Documentation et d’Information (CIDIHCA): “Editors of Haitian books, Caribbean and Afro-Canadian books, distributor of Haitian books, resource / research center” 359, rue St. Pierre, 1er étage Montréal, Qc. Canada, H2Y 2L9; Tel. (514) 845-0880; Fax (514) 845-6218; edition@cidihca.com Coissy, Daniel-Michel: Docteur en droit “cabinet juridique nord–sud—juriste suisse, né en Haïti, jette un pont entre les États industrialisés et les États en développement, notamment entre la Suisse, Haïti et les États d’Afrique, afin de promouvoir les relations commerciales, industrielles et financières entre les secteurs privés de ces pays.” www.firme-nord-sud.com ComCare International: Helps with solar empowered hearing aid and audiology clinic in Bassin Bleu; www.comcareinternational.org Common Dreams: Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community; www.commondreams.org Credli—The Creole Institute: “Bilingual and trilingual dictionaries (English, Kreyòl, French), teaching materials for learners of Kreyòl, books and research on Creole studies” Indiana University, Ballantine Hall 604, Bloomington, IN 47405-6601 USA; Tel. (812) 855-4988; Fax (812) 855-2386; valdman@indiana.edu; http://php.indiana.edu/~valdman CultureLakay / Librairies Hachette / Deschamps On-Line: www.hachette-deschamps.com/online-store/scstore |
D | DeGraff, Michel: Michel DeGraff’s web site, creole studies and theoretical linguistics; degraff@mit.edu; http://web.mit.edu/linguistics/www/degraff.home.html |
E | The Early History of Haiti: “Haïti is the first republic in the world to have been led by a person of African descent, Jean-Jaques Dessalines. This is not however the only historically significant aspect of this country. Notably, it is Dessalines’ victory over Rochambeau, in Vertieres, that forced Napoleon to abandon his bid for the control of Louisiana and eventually, the rest of the ‘New World’. Therefore, were it not for Dessalines and his troops of freed slaves of African origin, the United States of America would most likely not be what they are today.” http://pasture.ecn.purdue.edu/~agenhtml/agenmc/haiti/history.html
Echo d’Haïti: www.echodhaiti.com Edisyon Koukouy: Kreyòl publishers; 708 Kingswood Lp, Brandon, FL 33511-7012 USA; A1kontak@aol.com Éditions Lagomatik: Kreyòl publishers, distributor of Haitian books; C.P. 102 Succ. Youville, Montréal, PQ H2P 2V2, Canada; Keslerbrezault@hotmail.com Educa Vision: “Publisher and distributor of Haitian books for bilingual and literacy programs, books in/on Kreyòl, resource center” 7550 NW 47th, Coconut Creek, FL 33073 USA; Tel. 1-800 983-3822; Fax (813) 9104; educa@aol.com; http://educavision.com Eritaj Foundation: “Fostering the Ideal of Community Care and Self Help in Haiti” PO Box 894, Framingham, MA 01701 (USA). Tel. (508) 881-8159 www.geocities.com/eritajfoundation |
F | The Farming of Bones: Informations sur la traduction française du livre de Edwidge Danticat, La Récolte douce des larmes, Éditions Grasset, Paris, 1999; http://perso.club-internet.fr/jacbayle/livres/Femmes/Danticat.html
Fombrun Writing about Haiti and Haitians: www.fombrun.com The Foreign Books Service: “Books by Haitian authors, Books on Haiti, Books and Materials for Haitian Bilingual Programs” 159 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02541 USA; forbks@capecod.net Fowòm Kreyòl: www.cas.umb.edu/haitian.html |
G | Grassroots International: http://grassrootsonline.org/
Groupe Européen de Recherches en Langues Créoles: http://creoles.free.fr |
H | Haiti—A Country of Study: “Country Profile of Haiti from The Library of Congress in Washington DC. Like its predecessors, this study represent an attempt to treat in a compact and objective manner the dominant contemporary social, political, economic, and military aspects of Haiti. Sources of information included scholarly books, journals, monographs; official reports of governments and international organizations; numerous periodicals; the authors’ previous research and observations; and interviews with individuals who have special competence in Haitian affairs.” http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/httoc.html#ht0012
Haitian Book Centre: “Distributor of Haitian books, resource center for information on Haitian books” PO Box 690324, Flushing, NY 11369-0324 USA; haitibooks@aol.com Haïti en Marche: Weekly Magazine on Haitian Politics and Culture (in French and Kreyòl); www.haitienmarche.com “Haiti in Focus”: by Charles Arthur; www.interlinkbooks.com Haiti On Line Haiti news and more: http://haitionline.com Haïti Progrès: Weekly Magazine on Haitian Politics and Culture (in French, Kreyòl and English); www.haitiprogres.com Haitian Scientific Society: Seminars organized by Alfred G. Noël, covering a large variety of topics, taking place in the Mathematics department of Northeastern University in Boston. www.cs.umb.edu/hss/seminars Haiti Support Group Web Site: The Haiti Support Group—solidarity with the Haitian people’s struggle for justice, participatory democracy and equitable development, since 1992; www.gn.apc.org/haitisupport Haitian Times: Weekly News Magazine about Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora (in English and Kreyòl); www.haitiantimes.com For Haiti With Love: Medical and Nutritional Help; www.forhaitiwithlove.org |
I | Institut d’Études Créoles d’Aix: “Creole Studies and some rare documents” www.superdoc.com/aidel/iecf/cours/ |
J | Jean Métellus Un site spécial consacré à Jean Métellus / A special site devoted to Jean Métellus www.jeanmetellus.com |
K | KIPKAA (Komite Inisyativ pou Kore Alfabetizasyon ann Ayiti, soon to be renamed KEPKAA) is a Montreal-area-based Creole Literacy organization, coordinated by Pierre Bain. C.P. 65060, Succ. Place Longueuil, Longueuil, Québec, J4K 5J4, Canada. Tel: 1 (450) 651-0157; e-mail: kipkaa@attcanada.ca; http://hometown.aol.com/mit2kreyol/Index5-kr.html; http://hometown.aol.com/mit2kreyol/Index5-fr.html; http://hometown.aol.com/mit2kreyol/Index5-eng.html; Montreal’s October 2002 Creole Language Month Calendar: http://hometown.aol.com/mit2kreyol/KIP-Calendar-02.htm
Kreyòl—Lang Peyi d’Ayiti: “Forum for learners of Kreyòl” kreyol@onelist.com; www.geocities.com/frenchcreoles/kreyol |
L | Left Curve Magazine: “We encourage open, critical, defetishized work that attempts to unravel, reveal contemporary reality.” An artist-produced critical magazine that encourages open, critical, defetishized work that attempt to unravel and reveal contemporary reality http://leftcurve.com
Libreri Mapou: The largest Haitian Bookstore in the Diaspora and on the Internet; Distributor of Haitian books, books and materials for Haitian bilingual programs, books on and in Kreyòl, resource center; 5929 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33137 USA; Tel. (305) 757-9922; janmapou@aol.com, http://librerimapou.com Librairie au Service de la Culture: Distributor of Haitian books, resource center; PO Box 162236, Miami, FL 33116-9998 USA |
M | Marilyn Mason: The Creole Clearinghouse; PO Box 181015, Boston, MA 02118 USA; (617) 247-8885 (office and answering machine); (617) 262-8923 (fax); MariLinc@aol.com; The Creole Clearinghouse Home Page: http://hometown.aol.com/CreoleCH/Index6.html; Creole Links Page: http://hometown.aol.com/mit2haiti/Index4.html; Haitian Creole Orthography Page: http://hometown.aol.com/mit2haiti/Orthography.htm; Marilyn Mason’s Publications, Conference Presentations, and Creole Editing Projects Page: http://hometown.aol.com/marilinc/Index3.html
Mclister, Elizabeth: Department of Religion, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459; Tel (860) 685-2289; Fax (860) 685-2821; www.wesleyan.edu/~emcalister/liz.html Haiti Medical: www.haitimedical.com The Center for Haitian Ministries: www.haitianministries.net |
N | New England’s Online Home for Haitian-American News and Culture: www.bostonhaitian.com
News on Haitian arts and artists: www.artmediahaiti.com News online about Haiti and Haitian events: www.haiti-news.net |
O | Orèsjozèf Publications: Distributor of Haitian books, books and materials for Haitian bilingual programs, books on and in Kreyòl; 167 Canton Street, Randolph, MA 02368 USA; http://oresjozefpublications.netfirms.com, ojozef@massed.net |
P | Documentary Photographs of Street Children of Lafanmi Selavi: www.doiy.com/jencheek/
Potomitan: Creole in the Other Caribbean Countries; www.potomitan.fr.st |
R | Un guide de référence sur Haïti: www.haiti-reference.org
Rezo Entènèt Kreyòlis Ayisyen (REKA): Discussing any subject related to Kreyòl, in Kreyòl; rekayisyen@hotmail.com; www.gajma.com/windowsonhaiti/reka/manmanlwa.htm; www.kreyol.org |
S | Schoenfhof’s Foreign Books: Books by Haitian authors, books on Haiti, books on and in Kreyòl; 76A Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA; Tel. (617) 547-8855; Fax (617) 547-8551; info@schoenhofs.com; http://schoenhofs.com
Scholarship Soley Provides educational resources for children living in Cité Soleil, Haiti www.scholarshipsoley.org |
T | Tanbou / Tambour: Trilingual Haitian Journal of political and literary studies; www.tanbou.com
The Temple of Yehwe: The vodou temple of Max Beauvoir; www.vodou.org Toussaint Louverture: “The Library of Congress Country Study of Haiti on Toussaint Louverture. Social historian James G. Leyburn has said of Toussaint Louverture that “what he did is more easily told than what he was.” Although some of Toussaint’s correspondence and papers remain, they reveal little of his deepest motivations in the struggle for Haitian autonomy.” http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID+ht0018) |
V | Valdman, Albert: http://php.indiana.edu/~valdman/
E. W. Védrine: http://listserv.linguistlist.org/archives/creolist.html |
E. W. Védrine Creole Project, Inc.: Kreyòl publishers, translators, research on Kreyòl / Haiti; PO Box 255110, Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 USA; evedrine@hotmail.com; web site; http://hometown.aol.com/ewvedrine/Dizan.htm | |
W | Windows on Haiti: “One of the growing research site on Haiti—research appears in English, Kreyòl, French and Spanish” http://windowsonhaiti.com |
Y | Yahoo News—Haiti: http://search.news.yahoo.com/search/news?p=Haiti&n=10
1.. Courtesy of the E.W. Védrine Creole Project, Inc, PO Box 255110, Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 USA |